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Category: Blog

An Unforgettable U.S. Open

The Chill Foundation was fortunate to take part in the Burton U.S. Open earlier this month and we couldn’t be more excited by all of the support we received while

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

This winter, each of our sites is running an online fundraising campaign to support our programs in each local community. These peer-to-peer campaigns will allow us to raise funds to

Embracing Diversity in Our Programs

The events of the last month have provided many concerned individuals with an opportunity to discover how they can support non-profit organizations that provide social services to immigrant and resettled

Transforming Lives

My name is Corey Rondeau and I am a Production Designer at Burton Snowboards. I am also an alumnus of the Chill Foundation. As a former participant, I understand the

Chill Participants Find Common Ground

When I talk about Chill in front of an older group of snowboarders, skateboarders, or surfers, I ask them to reflect on where they’d be today if they hadn’t discovered

The Value of Trust

I met Jack this past summer at one of Chill’s paddleboarding (SUP) programs. Jack is 16 years old, and he is in a one-on-one mental health treatment facility. He came

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