Founded in 2003, Chill Toronto operates year-round with snowboard and skateboard programs for youth from 11 to 19 years old. We work with various schools, youth agencies, social programs, and boardsports partners to provide these programs with all associated costs covered and barriers to participation removed. We embody the latest Positive Youth Development best practices to ensure participating youth build resiliency through targeted lessons and challenging physical activities.
Our programs use the process of learning boardsports, an experiential learning cycle, and a core value-driven curriculum to help youth grow personally and see that there is a path out of their current circumstances. To learn more, our program approach page HERE.
There’s nothing quite like sliding on a board in the snow and succeeding at your first turns. More importantly, there’s nothing like the moment when you realize you’re capable of a lot more than you imagined, and that’s why snowboarding is so perfectly aligned to aid in self-empowerment and growth.

Skateboarding provides unmatched accessibility, unique challenge, a vast community, and an incredible sense of pride and accomplishment. Anywhere there’s a hard surface you’ll find a tight knit group of skaters, supporting each other and pushing their personal boundaries, and that’s exactly what Chill’s skate programs bring to the youth.

Stand up paddleboarding provides a way to find peaceful balance, focused strength and a ton of adventure possibilities! SUPing is a fun way for youth to get out on the water, just about anywhere.
“When you set your mind to it, you can accomplish almost anything.”

Our Team
Stephanie McMahon (She/Her)
Toronto Program & Community Manager
Local Agencies
- The 519
- 2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations
- Access Alliance
- Albert Campbell Collegiate Institute
- Boys & Girls Club of Albion
- Boys & Girls Club of East Scarborough
- Boys & Girls Club Toronto Kiwanis
- Boys & Girls Club of West Scarborough
- Boys & Girls Club of Weston Mount Dennis & Lawrence Heights
- Boys & Girls Club Jane and Finch
- Boys & Girls Club Saint Alban’s
- Covenant House Toronto
- CultureLink
- Hijabi Ballers
- Inner City Outreach
- Kapapamahchakwew School
- Murray McKinnon Foundation
- Native Youth Resource Center
- Parkdale Jr and Sr School
- Pathways to Education
- Queen Alexandra Middle School
- The Learning Enrichment Foundation
- The Neighbourhood Link Support Services
- Central Neighbourhood House
- Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre
- Toronto Police
- Westwood Middle School
- Youth Assisting Youth