Laura Meier
Chill Austria Coordinator
The love for snow(sports) was pretty much handed to Laura at birth and she certainly owes it to her folks for putting her on the skis, sleds and eventually snowboard from an early age on. With some discourses and wanders around the world, about four years ago she finally followed the call of the mountains again and ended up in beautiful hyped little Innsbruck. Ever since, snowboarding has grown to define not only her free-time, but also work life. Whether as a snowboard instructor, photographer or friend – she states that sharing this dear passion (and privilege) of hers with as many beautiful souls as possible has filled up her heart with pure joy and she’s feeling very honored to continue down this road together with CHILL.
First CD? hard to recall, but there’s this core memory living in her head of stealing her big brother’s Billy Talent II album A LOT – which on a side note nowadays has become her go-to running soundtrack. she’d recommend to a friend.